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April Mixer, Music Festival and More

Join us at our April Mixer

Thursday, April 3, 2025

5:30 pm

Hills of Gold Mortgage

3545 Calico Ranch Rd, Julian,

Hills of Gold Mortgage is our April Mixer Host. We'll also be celebrating with a Ribbon Cutting for the business.

There will be a professional photographer at the event.

Come mix and mingle, and celebrate this business with your community.

Make and Build on Friendships, Learn Something New!

- $5 admission per person

- Chamber members will receive 2 free raffle tickets

- Donate a raffle item to receive a free raffle ticket

*Please bring a raffle item donation to help showcase your

business and to support the event. See lessThis is always one of the most fun mixers of the year.

if it is more convenient for you, you may pay for your $5 ticket is advance on our

website at!form/

Have papers piling up that you need to get rid of? Here is your chance. Community Valley Bank and the Julian Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a Free* Document Shredding event for the Julian Community (92036, 92070 and, 92086)

FREE!! Bring up to 3 Banker-Box sized boxes and have them shredded for free.

Each additional box is $10.00.*

*$10 will go toward the Julian Chamber of Commerce Scholarship program to be given to a local senior.

Thanks so much to Community Valley Bank for sponsoring this community event.

Julian Town Square Music Festival Seeking Sponsors

The Julian Community Heritage Foundation is excited to host our

4th Annual Julian Town Square Music Festival on Saturday, June 7th, 2025

We rely on the sponsorships to cover the festival costs such as permit regulations and the wonderful, high quality musical entertainment.

Your generous donation allows us to make this event a successful fundraiser for the Julian Town Square, a gathering spot for our community & visitors.

We invite you to support this great community-focused music event as an

underwriting sponsor for $300.

Benefits of Underwriting Sponsorship include:

• Name recognition on festival website.

• Hashtag link on social media posts promoting the festival and your


• Listing in event program and on-stage banner.

• VIP passes to exclusive festival sponsor area with free food and beverages.

• Verbal mentions of your support by emcee.

New this year is an opportunity to be our named Presenting Sponsor(s) for the Julian Town Square Music Festival!

Unique additional benefits are included. If you are interested in this level of support, please contact Dana.

Thank you,

The Julian Community Heritage Foundation

Dana Pettersen, Sponsorship Coordinator / email: [email protected]

Tyler Stamets, Event & Music Coordinator / email: [email protected]

This email (below) was sent to our email list of  5,843 visitors to Julian on 3/12/25

Julian Happenings -JAMMED PACKED!!!

SPRING is in the air - Come on Sunshine!

So Many Reasons To Visit Julian

So Many Things Happening for Your Enjoyment in Julian

Click on the Images to Be Taken to More Information

The Revolution in the Orchard 

April 26th and 27th, 2025, 10am to 4pm  

Cost: $10 per person over the age of 3. 

Purchase tickets online or onsite. 

Celebrate the 250th anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord with us. These battles marked the beginning of the American War of Independence. 


Guests experienced a taste of the founding of our great nation. Volunteer historians and reenactors from all over the United States gathered at this event to share living history with guests.  

This family-friendly event featured dozens of historical interpreters representing the soldiers and civilians of the American Revolution, demonstrating all aspects of daily and military life.  

 Important Note: Due to this event's nature, there will be loud noises such as blank gunshots, cannon firings, and such throughout the day. 

 Julian Farm and Orchard is open for this special event. 

Learn more and purchase tickets on our website:

Fourth Annual Music Festival

Many More Events Happening In Julian

Facebook  Instagram 760-765-1857

Mixer Postponed to next Thursday!

We Look Forward to a Wonderful Evening!

Join us at our March Mixer


As we look toward the rest of the day, the weather forecast makes it necessary for us to make the call to move the mixer to next week. We surely hope to see you all then. When we come together, we build community.


Thursday, March13th


Julian Hard Cider 4470 Highway 78

This is always one of the most fun mixers of the year.

Come mix and mingle with your community. Make and Build on Friendships, Learn Something New!

- $5 admission per person

- Chamber members will receive 2 free raffle tickets

- Donate a raffle item to receive a free raffle ticket

*Please bring a raffle item donation to help showcase your business and to support the event.

if it is more convenient for you, you may pay for your $5 ticket is advance on our

website at!form/

Have papers piling up that you need to get rid of? Here is your chance. Community Valley Bank and the Julian Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a Free* Document Shredding event for the Julian Community (92036, 92070 and, 92086)

FREE!! Bring up to 3 Banker-Box sized boxes and have them shredded for free.

Each additional box is $10.00.*

*$10 will go toward the Julian Chamber of Commerce Scholarship program to be given to a local senior.

Thanks so much to Community Valley Bank for sponsoring this community event.

Mixer This Thursday! Shredding Event Information.

We Look Forward to a Wonderful Evening!

Join us at our March Mixer

Thursday, March 6th


Julian Hard Cider 4470 Highway 78

This is always one of the most fun mixers of the year.

Come mix and mingle with your community. Make and Build on Friendships, Learn Something New!

- $5 admission per person

- Chamber members will receive 2 free raffle tickets

- Donate a raffle item to receive a free raffle ticket

*Please bring a raffle item donation to help showcase your business and to support the event.

if it is more convenient for you, you may pay for your $5 ticket is advance on our 

website at!form/

Have papers piling up that you need to get rid of? Here is your chance. Community Valley Bank and the Julian Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a Free* Document Shredding event for the Julian Community (92036, 92070 and, 92086)

FREE!! Bring up to 3 Banker-Box sized boxes and have them shredded for free.

Each additional box is $10.00.*

*$10 will go toward the Julian Chamber of Commerce Scholarship program to be given to a local senior.

Thanks so much to Community Valley Bank for sponsoring this community event.

January 20, 2025 Attention, please. The Guide to Julian

2025 Spring / Summer Guide to Julian.

The Julian Chamber of Commerce is once again partnering with the Julian Merchants Association to produce the Guide to Julian. The third issue produced by the JMA and Chamber will be the Spring Summer 2025 issue. Our goal date for the guide to hit the streets is March 22, 2025. This goal is only obtainable with the help and cooperation of all advertisers.

With this issue comes a 5% increase in advertising prices. Chamber Members will receive a 10% discount on all ad sizes 1/4 page and larger.

Our distribution of our second issue (Fall/Winter 2024) was extremely successful. We put 10,000 copies in the Orange County Register family of publications. We had hand delivered 2700 guides to coffee shop locations all over San Diego County. We also delivered many to San Diego hotels.

Patricia McConnell, member of the Julian Chamber of Commerce and owner of Julian Jewel Box has volunteered to assist us and you with your advertising investment in the Julian Guide. She will be reaching out to you soon. You are welcome to text her at 760-825-9261.

You can get started right away by securing your ad space online at

We are excited to take on this project to serve our visitors and our local businesses.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

We look forward to working with you.

Robin Boland

Executive Director

Julian Chamber of Commerce

My Core Values: Community, Integrity, Persistence, Collaboration, Inclusion, Optimism

760-765-1857 and

January 8, 2025 Installation Dinner Rescheduled.

Installation Dinner/Award Night Rescheduled

Celebrate with us as we honor not only the incoming board, but also the Merchant of the Year and Business Excellence Award Recipients.

Get Your Tickets Today - Click Here
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December 31, 2024 2025 Chamber Installation & Business Awards Dinner

Celebrate with us at we honor not only the incoming board, but also the Merchant of the Year and Business Excellence Award Recipients.

Get Your Tickets Today - Click Here
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November 19, 2024
Stay informed, RSVP! Country Christmas & More

We Need A Head Count!! Please RSVP Today!

Join us to celebrate the Season with Your Fellow Members and friends.

Join or renew your chamber membership by this event & be entered to win a $100 gift cert. to any member business in Julian.

Catering by Jeremy's on the Hill

Bring a gift - Get A gift Gift Exchange

Tickets are $32 and you can Purchase online at

Secure Your Spot - Clilck Here

We are working to support local businesses this holiday season.

Thanks to all the volunteers who have and who continue to work on getting Julian's townsite festive for the holiday season.

Julian Christmas Parade of Lights - Joy in Julian

Sat Dec 7, 2024

Deck out your Car, RV or even a Trailer and Bring Joy to Julian in our annual Country Christmas Joy in Julian Christmas Light Parade.

Let's be "All in" for community and holiday spirit this year. 

We will meet at the library parking lot at 5pm. We'll all line up and drive down Main Street Julian to the delight of locals, visitors, shoppers and businesses. 

We cant do it without you! 

Sign Up for the F U N ! Click Here
Make Your Contribution Today - Click Here

We are looking for a Forever Christmas Tree for Town Square

Create Memories to last a lifetime by donating a tree


How would you like to be a part of creating wonderful Julian memories for years and years to come? We are seeking a donation of a tree, yes, a tree that we can transplant into the Julian Town Square. The donor will receive a plaque that will remain at the park in recognition of your donation. Here is what we are looking for

A Fir tree between 30’ and 45’ tall. 

There would be no cost involved for you, just the donation of the tree. The rest will be taken care of. If you have such a tree on your property that you would like to donate, please contact Tyler Stamets at [email protected].  

It's Election Time for the Julian Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

There are so many opportunities to get involved in the Julian community and becoming a board member for the Julian Chamber of Commerce provides even more insight on how you can take part in any development that you’d like to see on the horizon! There are 4 positions that are ready to be filled for a two year term. Would you like to have a shot at helping to run the operations? Positive and enthusiastic people with availability and a heart to serve are encouraged to run!

This is your chance to go behind the scenes and fill a need where you think there’s a need that should be filled. Have you had any observations about how things operate that you would like to see made better? Here’s your chance to step up with ideas and suggestions and help bring about a positive forward movement in our business community!

Submit your application for a position on the board by email ([email protected]) or in person at the Chamber office by November 14th by the end of the Chamber Board meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Please submit a short (100 words or less) write up of why you wish to join the board and how/what your contribution might be. 

You May Also Submit Your Intention via our Google Form Created Just for This Purpose. Click below to nominate yourself for the position.

Thank you so much for considering this opportunity to serve our community along with fellow board members. We are looking forward to the coming year!

Nominate Yourself Here
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November 6, 2024 1. Important Public Meeting 2. Sidewalk Cleaning

The following information provided by Eric Jones of the Julian Community Planning Group.

The Build Alternative would upgrade 15 curb ramps to meet ADA standards. The existing curb ramps, curbs, and gutters would be upgraded, and a detectable warning surface (a distinctive surface pattern that alerts people with vision impairments to potential hazards) would be installed in each curb ramp. Curb ramps would be upgraded on State Route 78 at intersections with Washington Street, Coleman Circle, Fourth Street, B Street, C Street, Porter Lane, and State Route 79. Decorative crosswalks would be installed at select locations. At the intersection of Main Street and Washington Street in downtown Julian, the Build Alternative would construct curb extensions to meet ADA standards. The curb extension would increase the visibility of pedestrians crossing the roadway with fewer pavement markings and signs, in addition to shortening the crossing length to improve traffic operations. The existing curb ramp at the northwestern corner of the intersection (where Julian Market & Deli is located) currently has building columns in the middle of the nonstandard curb ramp; the building columns would be retained, and no alterations would be made to the existing building.

Proposed improvements in the town of Julian would integrate into the historic character of the town and reduce visual impact. The project proposes to install bulb outs, crosswalks, and ADA curb ramps. The project originally proposed large bulb outs with curb ramps at each corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Main Street. Urban style, high-visibility continental crosswalks were also proposed at the intersections of Main Street with Washington Street, B Street and, C Street. Julian stakeholders reviewed the proposal and requested that the proposed design be reconsidered to fit the rural character of the town. In response, the intersection of Main Street and Washington Street was redesigned to reduce the size of the proposed bulb outs, ensure that the bulb outs do not impact any historic buildings, and eliminate high-visibility continental crosswalks. Proposed crosswalks would use stamped asphalt with a colored brick pattern at crosswalks to mimic bricks used in some of the buildings in downtown Julian. Public sensitivity to this visual change should be moderate to low because the aesthetic would be designed to be consistent with the historic, rural character of Julian and avoid visual impacts.

The project would implement the following project features to minimize visual impacts within the Julian Historic District. New crosswalks will use stamped asphalt paving with a brick pattern to match the pattern of the existing stamped brick crosswalk at 10th Street in Ramona. The stamped asphalt surface color will look like the brick color or colors used at brick buildings in the historic district. High visibility “Continental” crosswalk striping must not be used over the stamped asphalt brick paving at crosswalks. Reconstructed sidewalks and curb ramps will be integrally colored concrete to appear as older concrete. The surface finish should appear to be a uniform “light sand finish”. The sand finish will be achieved by using concrete surface retardants (no sandblasting, water blasting, or broom finish). Truncated domes would be either brown or gray (not yellow).

Link to Document

November Mixer is upstairs at Town Hall.

November 14, 2024 5:30pm

Hosted by Amber Ramirez, Farmers Insurance Agent and H5 Financial- Lindsey McNerney, Mortgage Loan Officer

Come mix and mingle with your community. Make and Build on Friendships, Learn Something New!

- $5 admission per person

- Chamber members will receive 2 free raffle tickets

- Donate a raffle item to receive a free raffle ticket

*Please bring a raffle item donation to help showcase your business and to support the event.

If convenient, you can prepay for your mixer ticket online by clicking here

It's Election Time for the Julian Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

There are so many opportunities to get involved in the Julian community and becoming a board member for the Julian Chamber of Commerce provides even more insight on how you can take part in any development that you’d like to see on the horizon! There are 4 positions that are ready to be filled for a two year term. Would you like to have a shot at helping to run the operations? Positive and enthusiastic people with availability and a heart to serve are encouraged to run!

This is your chance to go behind the scenes and fill a need where you think there’s a need that should be filled. Have you had any observations about how things operate that you would like to see made better? Here’s your chance to step up with ideas and suggestions and help bring about a positive forward movement in our business community!

Submit your application for a position on the board by email ([email protected]) or in person at the Chamber office by November 14th by the end of the Chamber Board meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Please submit a short (100 words or less) write up of why you wish to join the board and how/what your contribution might be. 

You May Also Submit Your Intention via our Google Form Created Just for This Purpose. Click below to nominate yourself for the position.

Thank you so much for considering this opportunity to serve our community along with fellow board members. We are looking forward to the coming year!

Nominate Yourself Here

Join us to celebrate the Season with Your Fellow Members and friends at the Chamber Holiday Mixer.

Join or renew your chamber membership by this event & be entered to win a $100 gift cert. to any member business in Julian.

Bring a gift - Get A gift Gift Exchange

Tickets are $32 and you can Purchase online at

Get Your Tickets Today

Julian Christmas Parade of Lights - Joy in Julian

Sat Dec 7, 2024

Deck out your Car, RV or even a Trailer and Bring Joy to Julian in our annual Country Christmas Joy in Julian Christmas Light Parade.

Let's be "All in" for community and holiday spirit this year. 

We will meet at the library parking lot at 5pm. We'll all line up and drive down Main Street Julian to the delight of locals, visitors, shoppers and businesses. 

We cant do it without you! 

Sign Up to Participate in the Parade Click Here
Support Country Christmas

We would love to add you to our List of Supporters. Help us make 2024 a Great year. . .

Donate to Country Christmas by clicking button below.

Support Country Christmas - Click Here
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November 5, 2024 November Mixer and More!

November Mixer is upstairs at Town Hall.

November 14, 2024 5:30pm

Hosted by Amber Ramirez, Farmers Insurance Agent and H5 Financial- Lindsey McNerney, Mortgage Loan Officer

Come mix and mingle with your community. Make and Build on Friendships, Learn Something New!

- $5 admission per person

- Chamber members will receive 2 free raffle tickets

- Donate a raffle item to receive a free raffle ticket

*Please bring a raffle item donation to help showcase your business and to support the event.

If convenient, you can prepay for your mixer ticket online by clicking here

It's Election Time for the Julian Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

There are so many opportunities to get involved in the Julian community and becoming a board member for the Julian Chamber of Commerce provides even more insight on how you can take part in any development that you’d like to see on the horizon! There are 4 positions that are ready to be filled for a two year term. Would you like to have a shot at helping to run the operations? Positive and enthusiastic people with availability and a heart to serve are encouraged to run!

This is your chance to go behind the scenes and fill a need where you think there’s a need that should be filled. Have you had any observations about how things operate that you would like to see made better? Here’s your chance to step up with ideas and suggestions and help bring about a positive forward movement in our business community!

Submit your application for a position on the board by email ([email protected]) or in person at the Chamber office by November 14th by the end of the Chamber Board meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Please submit a short (100 words or less) write up of why you wish to join the board and how/what your contribution might be. 

You May Also Submit Your Intention via our Google Form Created Just for This Purpose. Click below to nominate yourself for the position.

Thank you so much for considering this opportunity to serve our community along with fellow board members. We are looking forward to the coming year!

Nominate Yourself Here

Join us to celebrate the Season with Your Fellow Members and friends at the Chamber Holiday Mixer.

Join or renew your chamber membership by this event & be entered to win a $100 gift cert. to any member business in Julian.

Bring a gift - Get A gift Gift Exchange

Tickets are $32 and you can Purchase online at

Get Your Tickets Today

Julian Christmas Parade of Lights - Joy in Julian

Sat Dec 7, 2024

Deck out your Car, RV or even a Trailer and Bring Joy to Julian in our annual Country Christmas Joy in Julian Christmas Light Parade.

Let's be "All in" for community and holiday spirit this year. 

We will meet at the library parking lot at 5pm. We'll all line up and drive down Main Street Julian to the delight of locals, visitors, shoppers and businesses. 

We cant do it without you! 

Sign Up to Participate in the Parade Click Here
Support Country Christmas

We would love to add you to our List of Supporters. Help us make 2024 a Great year. . .

Donate to Country Christmas by clicking button below.

Support Country Christmas - Click Here
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October 30, 2024 Upcoming Holiday Happenings!

Join us to celebrate the Season with Your Fellow Members and friends.

Join or renew your chamber membership by this event & be entered to win a $100 gift cert. to any member business in Julian.

Bring a gift - Get A gift Gift Exchange

Tickets are $32 and you can Purchase online at

Secure Your Spot - Clilck Here

Julian Christmas Parade of Lights - Joy in Julian

Sat Dec 7, 2024

Deck out your Car, RV or even a Trailer and Bring Joy to Julian in our annual Country Christmas Joy in Julian Christmas Light Parade.

Let's be "All in" for community and holiday spirit this year. 

We will meet at the library parking lot at 5pm. We'll all line up and drive down Main Street Julian to the delight of locals, visitors, shoppers and businesses. 

We cant do it without you! 

Sign Up for the F U N ! Click Here
Sign Up to Volunteer - Click Here!

Community support of the Holiday Decorations in town is vital part of making the holidays bright in Julian.  

2024 Brings Back our Big and Exciting Tree Lighting event. Please support the effort to make 2024 a FANTASTIC CELEBRATION. 

Here are just some of the items and their associated costs for 2024.

  • New lighted Garland $5000 We appreciate any dollar amount toward this goal.
  • New Lighting $1000 - We appreciate any dollar amount toward this goal.
  • Christmas Tree at Park - $4000 We appreciate any dollar amount toward this goal.
  • Boom for Town Decorations $2000
  • Santa Claus at Town Hall - $150 x 6 = $900
  • Performers Day of Event =$100 x 10
Make Your Contribution Today - Click Here

We are looking for a Forever Christmas Tree for Town Square

Create Memories to last a lifetime by donating a tree


How would you like to be a part of creating wonderful Julian memories for years and years to come? We are seeking a donation of a tree, yes, a tree that we can transplant into the Julian Town Square. The donor will receive a plaque that will remain at the park in recognition of your donation. Here is what we are looking for

A Fir tree between 30’ and 45’ tall. 

There would be no cost involved for you, just the donation of the tree. The rest will be taken care of. If you have such a tree on your property that you would like to donate, please contact Tyler Stamets at [email protected].  

It's Election Time for the Julian Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

There are so many opportunities to get involved in the Julian community and becoming a board member for the Julian Chamber of Commerce provides even more insight on how you can take part in any development that you’d like to see on the horizon! There are 4 positions that are ready to be filled for a two year term. Would you like to have a shot at helping to run the operations? Positive and enthusiastic people with availability and a heart to serve are encouraged to run!

This is your chance to go behind the scenes and fill a need where you think there’s a need that should be filled. Have you had any observations about how things operate that you would like to see made better? Here’s your chance to step up with ideas and suggestions and help bring about a positive forward movement in our business community!

Submit your application for a position on the board by email ([email protected]) or in person at the Chamber office by November 14th by the end of the Chamber Board meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Please submit a short (100 words or less) write up of why you wish to join the board and how/what your contribution might be. 

You May Also Submit Your Intention via our Google Form Created Just for This Purpose. Click below to nominate yourself for the position.

Thank you so much for considering this opportunity to serve our community along with fellow board members. We are looking forward to the coming year!

Nominate Yourself Here
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October 14, 2024
2024 Country Christmas Holiday Decorations
Merry Christmas!

Looking Forward to our 2024 Holiday Season.

We've Got Some Work to Do!!

TOWN DECORATIONS  Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. We will begin loading in decorations on Monday November 11th.Volunteers will meet at Town Hall and begin the annual tradition of making an INCREDIBLE contribution to our Julian Holiday Season. You can now use our easy sign up form to sign up for the times you have to volunteer (click here).

TREE LIGHTING: This event will take place on November 30th at the TOWN SQUARE location. We will be bringing in a tree for the occasion. volunteers on this day will also be vital. 

SPONSORSHIPS There is a continuous need to replace outdated / worn decorations, sponsorships are a VITAL part of the success of the season. Santa Claus on the porch at town hall and other activities we will provide for family enjoyment are just some of the items that need support. Insurance, permits, rentals are also a part of the season. PICK YOUR ITEM TO SPONSOR. Take a look at this google doc we created. You can specify where you want your sponsorship to go. Click Here to view the document

FEEDING THE TEAM:  If you own a restaurant and would like to feed the volunteers on one (or more) of the dates during decorations, please reply to this email and let us know. We will reach out to you when the time comes!!

Donate to the 2024 Holiday Decorations - Click Here!

Any Amount is Appreciated.

All donors will be listed on our

Country Christmas Web Page.

Donations of $150 or more will receive a banner at the Country Christmas

Tree Lighting Event. 

Sign Up to Volunteer - Click Here!

We're using SignUp (the leading online SignUp and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming SignUps.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click the button above

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.

Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact us and I can sign you up manually.

Leading the team again this year is Tyler Stamets. He's got lots of great ideas. He also needs lots of support to bring the magic of the Holidays to Julian. We thank you in advance for being a part of making this endeavor happen!

September 25, 2024
DATE CORRECTION - Julian Guides Have Arrived & MORE!

Fall "Guide to Julian" Booklets Have Arrived.

We are so excited to announce the Fall Guides to Julian. We have added 12 pages to the guide since the last issue.

New Categories

  • Mind Body Spirit
  • Wedding Services
  • Real Estate Services

As with the previous issue, we have printed 20,000. Our distribution will begin tomorrow (9/24) We began giving them to visitors to town hall on Wednesday of last week.

We are working on creative ways to expand the reach of the guide. The last issue we distributed multiple copies to coffee shops all over San Diego County and even Baja Ca. We plan to repeat that with this issue. We are also working with the Orange County Register to insert guides in their publication.

Thank You to All Our Advertisers!

It is the advertising that pays for this guide and we'd like to recognize these businesses for supporting this important publication for Julian.

  • 2Create Gallery
  • Amber Ramirez Ins. Agency
  • Apple Alley Bakery
  • Artists' Loft
  • Banner Ranch
  • Blue Door Winery
  • Cabin at Strawberry Hill
  • California Wolf Center
  • Carrisito Ranch
  • Cedar Rio
  • Dudley's Bakery
  • East County Perf. Arts Assoc.
  • Fort Cross Old Timey Adventures
  • Friends of the Julian Library
  • Heroes Wood-Fired Pizza
  • Jeremy's on the Hill
  • Julian 4th of July Parade
  • Julian Arts Guild
  • Julian Cafe and Bakery
  • Julian Candy Basket
  • Julian Cider Mill
  • Julian Farm and Orchard
  • Julian Hard Cider
  • Julian Historical Society
  • Julian Jewel Box
  • Julian Mining Company
  • Julian Pie Company
  • Julian Pioneer Museum
  • Julian Realty
  • Julian Station
  • Julian Town Square Project
  • Julian Tea and Cottage Arts
  • Juliantla Chocolate
  • Kamps Propane
  • Julian Farm and Orchard
  • Julian Hard Cider
  • Julian Historical Society
  • Julian Jewel Box
  • Julian Mining Company
  • Julian Pie Company
  • Julian Pioneer Museum
  • Julian Realty
  • Julian Station
  • Julian Town Square Project
  • Julian Tea and Cottage Arts
  • Juliantla Chocolate
  • Kamps Propane
  • Kathy's Dress Shop
  • Lake Cuyamaca Recreation District
  • Magnet to Money
  • Miner's Diner
  • Mom's Pie’s
  • Moonshine Magic
  • Mountain Beadworks
  • Mountain Healing Acupuncture
  • Nickel Beer Company
  • Oasis Camel Dairy
  • Old Julian Garage
  • Orchard Hill
  • Orchard Realty
  • Pamo Valley Winery
  • Quecho Elevated Mexican Eatery
  • Ramona Disposal Service2
  • Ramona Ranch Winery
  • Red Hawk Realty
  • Sacred Mountain Ranch
  • Sage Real Estate Co
  • Santa Ysabel Art Gallery
  • Santa Ysabel Nature Center
  • San Diego Gas & Electric
  • Shadow Mountain Vineyards
  • Storum Ranch Cider and Wine
  • The Julian Grille
  • The Old Julian Garage
  • The Lodge at Sacred Mountain
  • The Olde Goat
  • The Ole Firehouse at Lake Cuyamaca
  • The Pub at Lake Cuyamaca
  • The Warm Hearth
  • Volcan Mountain Winery
  • Walnut Tree Ranch
  • Wynola Junction Antiques & Collectibles

4466 Highway 78, Julian

Join Us for Our Next Mixer

October 10, 2024

5:30pm The Cooler

4466 Highway 78 Julian


Join the Julian Business Community at our monthly mixers.

- $5 entry includes food and great company!

- Members receive 2 free raffle tickets!

- Bring a raffle donation to showcase your business and receive a free raffle ticket!

Pay online or at the door.

We look forward to spending time with you at this professional networking event!

Create Memories to last a lifetime by donating a tree

How would you like to be a part of creating wonderful Julian memories for years and years to come? We are seeking a donation of a tree, yes, a tree that we can transplant into the Julian Town Square. The donor will receive a plaque that will remain at the park in recognition of your donation. Here is what we are looking for: A Fir or other Christmas type tree between 30’ and 45’ tall. There would be no cost involved for you, just the donation of the tree. The rest will be taken care of. If you have such a tree on your property that you would like to donate, please contact Tyler Stamets at [email protected].  

Are you a craft vendor? We are currently accepting applications for the Country Christmas Tree Lighting on November 30, 2024. You can stop by town hall to pick up the application or email [email protected] to request one be emailed to you. The event is put on by the Julian Merchants Association along with the Julian Chamber of Commerce. 

Each year we spend over $10,000 to put on the Country Christmas Celebration. Booth fees help us to offset a small amount of the cost of the season’s celebrations. Cost for booths are: Non-Profits: $100 Chamber Member $125 Non Members $150

Last Call for Your items at Ramona Fair

We are showcasing Julian at the Ramona Country Fair. We want your promotional items to share with fairgoers. Items must be received by noon tomorrow in order to make their way to the Ramona Country Fair.

Sign Up to Volunteer - Click Here!
Do You Plan to Join Us at this Community Dinner

Join Us for Our Next Mixer

August 8, 2024

5:30pm Julian Tea and Cottage Arts

2124 3rd Street, Julian

Cost: $5

Bring a Raffle Prize to Showcase Your Business

Congratulations to Carol for being awarded the Julian Merchants Assoc. and Julian Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year, 2024.

Congratulations to Richard Loomis

Richard received the President's Award at the recent picnic.

This award was given by Tyler Stamets, president of the Julian Chamber of Commerce.

Thank you to Sacred Mountain Julian for hosting our 2024 Picnic

Three More Opportunities to Catch This Great Show

click on image for tickets

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July 1, 2024 Merchant Picnic Menu and More!!

Member News

RSVP Today!

Reserve Your Spot Today! Click Here
Nominate Your Favorites Here

The Julian Chamber of Commerce co-sponsored the Third Annual Julian Music Festival. We would like to offer congratulations to the Julian Community Heritage Foundation on a successful even this past Saturday. We encourage you to support the project. You can donate via Venmo by clicking here. Visit their website here:

Did you know that you do not need to be a member of the board of directors to be on a committee? We would love to have your involvement in helping the chamber serve the community. Committees are open to all members.

We also need and value volunteers for our events.

You may start a conversation about the opportunities by emailing Ashley Garrison at : [email protected]

Are you interested in volunteer opportunities?
Maybe, please reach out to me
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CORRECTION on Merchant Picnic Date

Member News

The Correct Date for the Merchant Picnic is July 10, 2024

Reserve Your Spot Today! Click Here

Our June Mixer

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Calico Cidery

4200 CA-78, Julian, CA 92036

Join the Julian Business Community at our monthly mixers.

- $5 entry includes food and great company!

- Members receive 2 free raffle tickets!

- Bring a raffle donation to showcase your business and receive a free raffle ticket!

Pay online or at the door.

We look forward to spending time with you at this professional networking event!

Prepay for your mixer admission, click here
Nominate Your Favorites Here

Julian Guides at at Town Hall

Please feel free to stop by Town Hall any day from 10am to 4pm to pick up a supply.

Help us Get The Guide Circulated!

Do you know of a great place down the hill that should have a supply of Julian Guides? Please let us know and we'll reach out to them to see about placing them at their location.

Did you know that you do not need to be a member of the board of directors to be on a committee? We would love to have your involvement in helping the chamber serve the community. Committees are open to all members.

We also need and value volunteers for our events.

You may start a conversation about the opportunities by emailing Ashley Garrison at : [email protected]

Are you interested in volunteer opportunities?
Maybe, please reach out to me
Facebook  Instagram  YouTube

March 1, 2024

Congratulations to all the recipients of the Business Excellence Awards,  30 of whom were present to receive their award and the accompanying cheering, at the Julian Chamber of Commerce Installation Dinner.  All of the awardees were nominated by the community of residents and businesses.  We congratulate you all.